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I’m 23 and I’ve been single till now
I’ve been dating this guy now that I like slightly. But I feel guilty of going into a relationship with him because I feel I’ll loose my true self and wouldn’t be able to focus on my career 😕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
2 replies

Hey. Do they like you back and want to get into a relationship??and why do you think it’ll affect your career, do they stop you from working??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

If you are not your true self with someone then it means you came into a relationship because of the “single till 23” factor and just to feel satisfied and a sense of “relationship” thing. It’s better not to rush but take it slow. The career shouldn’t be compromised at any cost, and if it is talk to him directly and give him the reason for the breakup (if you do this, since it’s hampering your studies).

A tip- Commit to someone when you know that I CAN BE MYSELF and don’t need to pretend someone else to get a sense of validation from the other person. Just like we are our true self with friends the same goes with a relationship as well. And, most importantly ready to be in one and devoting time to your relationship. 💙


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