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3am ThoughtsThought


I’m 22. My mom went to her home and came back all fumed up because they said that I’m becoming too old and should be married off soon. They told her that my beauty will be gone soon and no guy will like me or marry me. And now she’s saying that my beauty has faded off.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit_pillai
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit_pillai

Sreejit P. @sreejit_pillai

Hey buddy,
Don’t panic out. Speak with your mom and tell her that you’re currently focusing 0 with your career and future life. At this point marriage isn’t a matter of concern for you… You need time and not ready for this… Just make her understand and I assure she’ll give it a thought… I hope this helps… Let me know if you need any further guidance


Yes, I did and I hope she understands

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit_pillai

Sreejit P. @sreejit_pillai

She would for sure… Don’t stress much… Things would be in your way in a time… Let things heal up…


Can I ask you something?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit_pillai

Sreejit P. @sreejit_pillai

Sure thing you can!


Dont put too much thought on what your mother is saying about looks and marriage. You focus on your job search. Thoughts keep evolving. Once u get a decent job, these things do get chnaged


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