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3am ThoughtsThought


Im 21 and most of us here are teenagers or above…and many of us haven’t found our soulmate…but they are already born in this world, somewhere on the very same planet, your true soulmate is eating, sleeping and laughing and crying through life,…this thought overwhelms me and butterflies flap their sparkly wings inside my tummy…have anyone else had a similar thought??

7 replies

Yaa. I can feel u as I have also felt similar many times


I do smile everytime i think about that person…where she could be
Maybe ik her already, maybe she lives 1000s of km away…oh my god, im overwhelmed


Same here but in my case, it is him. And I do think abt him very much even though I don’t know anything


How exciting would it be if i find her here!


What overwhelms you here though? The fact that your soulmate exists?


Yes, she exists… Is alive and breathing the same air as i am


When I met my husband it was later in life and my whole body sighed … there you are . I thought I was crazy and said I think I met my future husband . My sister agreed instead of reprimanding me . She was there and she saw it . I have been through divorce , heartache , abandonment issues and it was the day I said I will accept what comes my way and I will not deny it that I met him. We’re together and out baby turns one in a week. They’re out there . They may come when your young or older but they are there . Don’t get me wrong you still need to work at the relationship , communicate and be open and honest through good, bad and better but they are out there .


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