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I’m 20 yrs old, I’ve never dated anyone, haven’t even had any “almost”. I feel lonely.

5 replies

Listen, remember one thing, it’s better to be single than rushing into any relationship which may not survive. These things take time and everyone has different experiences. Just live your life to the fullest and you will find someone special when it’s the right time :)


I was single until i was 20 too! Got into a relationship at 21 and then they broke up with me. Turns out we all fantasise about dating but its nothing more than two people committing to eachother. Its so much hyped up… And please don’t rush yourself… Its not a race about who ends up dating first… I know people who dated in their early teens, had their hearts broken too early on and people who got into relationships much later but have found their perfect fits in their partners. We’re always just chasing what we don’t have but its so important to be grateful for all the friends and family we have in life too. Do that first… They’re never going to leave your side… The right person will come along.


Who’s meant for you will definitely find you. For now focus on self love, hobbies and your career. The right person will definitely enter your life at right time. Sending positive vibes and blessings on your way.


I’m 20 too and never been into a relationship. It’s okay to not date until you find the right person. Be patient and you’ll that person soon. Till then, work on yourself, make your career. That’s what I do.


Hi dear, do not be in a hurry to date anyone. Time will do its job. Whoever is meant to be with you, the person will be with you. God has definitely planned something for all of us ❤


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