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i’m 19 years old and i feel like i’m running out of time to reach my dreams.

4 replies

No you’re not. I need you take a deep breath and relax.

Take one day at a time. Don’t be so hard yourself. You deserve more than that. You deserve to give yourself love, attention and care.

You will achieve your dreams at the right time.

Keep dreaming and loving yourself.

I believe in you.


Thank you so much for your advice and believing in me 😊 God bless!


I am above 25…
I sometimes I feel the same .
And i feel 19 was better…I had so much time.
, i might get the same feelings 5 years later, 10 years later and will always feel past was better … Lessons learnt : Better not to worry about time, future… Just live in present .

This kind of brings me relief and I feel I have enough time now .
. Trust me you have enough time and so do I and so does every body in this world .😀
Live in moment 😀


Thank you so much for your advice and for sharing to me your experience, God bless!😊


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