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3am ThoughtsThought


I’m 15 year old girl and this month i didn’t get my periods im scared what to do

10 replies
Violates community guidelines

That’s a bit rude

Shreyupatel @shreyupatel

It’s not funny but…she have to make sure that is she’s gone through that kinda stuff or not…(no offense)✌️

Shruti Vayalil @shruti059

Why are some people so rude. I’m sorry


Jus mood swings …jus ignore honey 😎


One month is just so normal…if you gonna stress they may get more delayed dear


Make sure to rule out pcos by going to the gynaecologist

Shruti Vayalil @shruti059

Please visit a gynecologist. I had this too and I found out it was pcod. It won’t be same for you it can be anything stress can be the reason too just visit a gynac

Sisyphus @sisyphus

It’s okay periods may get delayed for 4-8 weeks from the due date. If it go after that you may consult a doctor.
Mostly don’t ask for medical advices in social platform.


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