Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14

I’ll choose you even when you make me mad. My love for you will not fade simply because we are angry. I know we will fight, we will be frustrated, we will not talk to each other for hours or days. Still, I will prefer to fight every battle of life and love, only with you because you are the one who has changed my life for the better. I know your anger is justified because you care for me.

I will always choose you and keep choosing you every single day because I love you and will continue to love you even on the bad days that are ahead of us.


Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknown_thing
Profile picture for Now&Me member @just_randomly
Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknown_thing

kavya❤️ @unknown_thing


Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14


Profile picture for Now&Me member @just_randomly

kinda_confused @just_rando...

It’s a kind of thought that appears after a fight with our beloved one’s ;⁠)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14



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