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3am ThoughtsThought


Ik about self love and all but i seriously need someone with me whole my life i was never loved. I hate when thie loneliness kicks in at night

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vivek148
18 replies

Wanna talk about it??




So what is it all bout ??


Its just i want someone to be with me and accept me for who i am make memories nd everything


Do you accept yourself???


I seriously understand the topic of self love and everything but there are times na when you cant be tht strong nd hold things up


Ik ik but you have to be strong not for anyone but for yourself sorry If I am not helpful but I just want you to understand what I want to say


Yeah ik what you want to say but right now its just hard thanks much appreciated


There nothing hard I mean ik I am also going through anxiety and all


Yeah we all are going throught things half of us have no one to talk and other half afraid to say it that why we all are here it will get better things get better it will get better for all of us

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @vivek148

Vivek @vivek148

How blisss is sitting in the corner of a dark room all alone with just what u feel for ur self…ever seen the positive side of loneliness…no bitching,no discussions, no contro, no attachments …so onn…nvr feel bad if ur alone…its ok not to have someone who really cares or loves u🌻


This all is good but there comes a time after months that you feel that you should have someone with you just like evryone else

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vivek148

Vivek @vivek148

Definitely i’ll feel like but its not like i’ll order someone nd he/she come in my life…it’ll be in its time or may not be…thats why humans r unlucky in most cases…🌻


Nobody cares until you are rich handsome or dead

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vivek148

Vivek @vivek148

Nd thats how the life is…realityy
Wk that there ain’t anybody to care still srching for someone to care,love,accept,respect us…nd when we dont get that its hurtsss damnnn…nd that how dumb nd unlucky are we…life’s unlucky to us babyy we cant do anything bout that…thats how we live🌻


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