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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

If you seek “intellectual conversations” from a woman, you aren’t pushing hard enough in your personal life.

Men go to war with their brothers.

All the intellectual stimulation takes place over there.

Women are the dessert after war.

To look at her innocence and smile.

What do you think?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

We think you make no sense

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

That is why I mentioned borther. Intellectual conversation can’t be handle by you. So it is obvious you are right ! it make no sense to you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown



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