dhruta @dhruta_17
If you feel like you are LOSING everything, Remember that trees lose their leaves every year. And they still stand tall and wait for BETTER DAYS to come.
Jason @jason_1007
Soo true
Hidden 📷 @fjxind
Hie girl
dhruta @dhruta_17
Abhishek @abhishek2002
Perfect one
Abhishek @abhishek2002
Hi how are you
dhruta @dhruta_17
Abhishek @abhishek2002
anonymous @b0unty_twin
Our life cycle is much more easier
dhruta @dhruta_17
?? okay
Nullish coalescing operator
Yes but tress are gonna lose leaves every year… leaves are never gonna be with tree permanently 🐤 no Better days for the tree i guess
dhruta @dhruta_17
It’s with life too everyone will not stay in our life permanently not people , problems, time , feeling etc
When are the good days coming then😭
Even you can’t appreciate good day if you don’t taste bad one stay positive, everything will be gonna alrigth
Very true
Say if cancer caused to roots…