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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

If you don’t wanna have a bad day. Don’t read it. It can spoil your good mood. I’m just ranting here

You know what fuck everything. I’m at the stage where I don’t even know if something is wrong with me or I’m just making it for myself. I’m so fucking big of a criticizer myself that it’s suffocating. I can’t breathe now.
The expectations from me, the failures, and the mocking from my own damn parents and closest one. I’m fucking sick of everything.
I can’t even fucking die. I can’t even be at peace. Just because of a person because and even they are far away from me. Everyone around me is so done with me. Am i that fucking wrong in everything. Am i that big of a failure that my parents say that " I’m good for nothing" .
I can’t even seek help for my mental state to a doc. Because neither my parents will believe it . Even if i say " i want to suicide" three times a day nor i myself believe that it’s actually there.
You all I’m faking it. I’m doing it for just sympathy and attention. Someone tell this to my mind. Someone tell me that I’m hurting myself and screaming loud and feeling like hell and trying ways to suicide several times and hyperventilating and shivering from a panic attack because I’m faking it.
I’m the biggest hater of myself. I can’t even love myself even if i try too. I’m my own biggest enemy and even if i try people around me will pull me down.
I want to live i want to be happy. I want to be able to talk to people. Be with them . Have true friends. Go to places like everybody else. But here i am . Stuck in my house in a lockdown even before lockdown.
Everything sucks. Life sucks. I’m waiting for it to be better . But for how long .
I hope i would be able to take for a lil long. For either my happiness or my dead end.

I’m sorry for telling you all these. I’m just ranting here. Sorry

26 replies

Hi dear
I can sense that things are not happening as they should be and that is resulting in failure in alot of ways.
Please dont loose hope. We are all here for you. You definitely have people, friends who love you so much…
*I don’t know want to respond to your ranting. But wanted to reply to it. I know you are expecting someone to reply, aftall it gives us the feeling of being heard.
So, i know and wish all things will be okay soon.
Virtual hugs 🤗 to you✨


Yesss. Imma fight it bro. Ima fight it. I just need to let it go for a lil while and then I’ll stand up again . Don’t you worry.
Also take care of yourself too. Have some water and eat food well.
From me tooooo a big big hug❤️❤️❤️


Hey don’t worry it’s good to let it out what is in your mind.


Thanks for listening me out budd. Have your meal and drink some water. Don’t forget to love yourself okayyyhhhh.

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You know you have been replying on my previous post too. Thank you. You precious precious budd.
I’m sending you a bigger hug.
You too take care of yourself and thank you for helping people. But make time for yourself too okay.
Eat well and sleep well

I love you moreeeeee❤️❤️❤️

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Helll yeaah. Btw is your full name shruti?

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It felt like that 🤣🤣🤣. Sorry.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Ohhhh heyyy. I’m doing alright I’m motivated. What about youuuuu

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Sorry for whatever you’re going through. I’m glad you could vent it helps. Honestly, all I can say right now is keep going. This is a horrible time but you need to keep going. Stay strong and don’t give up. Take care!


Yes yess. I won’t give up. I’m already at the rock bottom now everything that’s left is to jump. I would not give up
You too take care of yourself and love yourself. ❤️❤️❤️


Yes that’s the spirit! Thank you so much!




When it comes to environment it gets suffocating sometimes. But can’t you ahve the hope of your freedom when you set yourself free of this shit around you and see the beautiful world.out there. When i say beautiful it doesn’t mean all the good, it has it’s own badness too. And we should embrace all this. Don’t take them seriously, ik it’s hard to do so initially, don’t let them define you or set a boundary for your worth dude.
And for the faikures part, i promise you just read a book called failing forward by john c maxwell, it’ll set you free of all the faikures you’ve had no matyer how nad they were and all the struggles you’re gonna be having in future.
Embrace your existence, this life is precious. Wjy to go for something which already will take place- death!! It’ll one forsure happen, chase something which no one thought off, see these two things, what you think is better go? Ofc the 2nd one right.
Takecare of yaself, you’re enough, you’re beautiful 🌻


Thanks budd. You actually made me a bit more hopeful.
I’ll keep going.
You too take care of yourself budd.


Heyyyy. Honestly, I am trying really hard to understand how you are feeling but I will never be able to since we are not the same. But, if that makes you feel any better, you are not alone. Ever since the lockdown started I have started to feel depressed. If you check my recent search on google or YouTube you will probably see sad Tik Toks/videos to make you cry. I really don’t feel like doing anything. Maybe it’s because of all this shitty situation - lockdown/Covid - 19. But I want you to promise that you will fight and stay strong. As much as I hate to say it, because I don’t believe it, there is a happy end for everyone. This ofc doesn’t mean that you will live happily ever after without struggling BUT it means that you will finally be able to feel like fighting or staying strong or even having a purpose, a goal.
You have all my love and support. Pls stay strong!


I know buddy. We can’t know how someone is feeling no matter how hard i try. I just thought of screaming but because my parents would come and ask me to shut up i ranted here😅. Thanks for trying to understand. And lockdown doesn’t affect me coz even a year before that o have become a homebody because of my studies. Also. I hope that you are doing okay. Just keep the hope alive. If not I’ll be your hope and you be my hope. We wil go through this and be happy one day. Stay strong with me talk to me if you want and please take care of yourself


I hope u r doing okay… U know sometimes u need to tell all of these stuffy feelings to someone who’ll just hear u out n then u feel better🤗🤗🤗 I hope you’ll overcome all of this n stand back strong again ❤❤ I hope u n ur family are home and safe🤗🤗❤tc of yourself you’ll be fine 🤗🤗🤗


Yesss. And I’m glad that people heard me out and now I’m feeling a lot better. Thank you. Also take care of yourself tooo


Friend, I am here for you.


Thanks budd. Means a lott


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