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3am ThoughtsThought


If you are in relationship with someone and you fall in love with other person. You want to come into relationship with him/her.
Will this be called as a cheating like he/she didn’t come into a relationship or did any other stuff but yea he/she fall in love with him/her…

2 replies

Sanket @sanket

If you are choosing to be with other person inspite of being with another person then this will break the current partner’s heart and I’m sure you will not like to do it
Moreover in the future you will find something interesting in another person and you will want to again change the partner
You will have to make peace with yourself first


If you fell out of love from rhe 1st person then you should tell them it doesn’t called as cheating but if they love you so much ans they didn’t tell them anything and go away with other person the 1st person will feel like you cheated, you need to tell the 1st person and then go on with other


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