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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

If you are feeling down, what’s the simplest thing one can do for you to cheer you up?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888
16 replies

Dreams,future,happy memories,bathing,going for a walk, chocolate

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

I can take you for a walk and talk about your dream future while having your favourite chocolate. How does that sound?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Done! Why do you like Batman?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

That’s amazing! Does that mean any toy would keep your child alive? Or it’s just Batman toy?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Aaah okay! Why Batman is your favourite superhero?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Listening to music really helps!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

take me out for a movie 👀

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Lets gooo then!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

Letss gooo Dune 2 🥹🥹

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Lets gooo! Part one was amazing! I am sure second one would be an amazing hit!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

it is actually… i am gonna watch it at 8pm 😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Hehe niceee! Enjoy your movie


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