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If women don’t like guys who are nice to them, does is it mean that they like guys who are mean to them? Or is it too big of a generalisation to make? Because it’s certain that absolutely no woman likes a nice guy. Either they like guys who don’t care about them, or they like guys who are mean to them. I’d assume that it depends on the woman. I’ve heard of a lot of women being in relationships where their partner doesn’t care about them/ is abusive. I wonder if this is the reason why…

Again, I don’t want to offend any women. I’m honestly just wondering. My intentions are pure.

54 replies

It’s different for every women, but I think we are attracted to guys who have more depth if that makes sense, and that’s not necessarily mean guys just guys that appear to have more character. I don’t know if that makes sense. But for me, I will always be attracted to respectful guys regardless if they’re nice or “not nice”

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Don’t lie, if you are truly a woman you would never like a guy who is nice to you. No woman likes guys who are nice; i found it surprising at first, but it’s the truth.
And yes, Women could have multiple reasons for disliking me. I guess I don’t have a huge ‘character’ or ‘personality’ either. That’s just who I am. Women hate me for being who I am, 2.0 😃


I don’t know why you bother with the whole paragraph and asking questions as if you were really interested. I answered it and told you that some women do like nice guys. “Don’t lie” then don’t bother asking if you think you know everything.


I never asked whether Women like nice guys. Infact, I said that they absolutely don’t. What I asked was whether they like guys who are mean, or is that a big generalisation to make?


And yes, I’m really interested in an answer. You just didn’t answer me.

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Okay so, I don’t really care if you want answers right now, my point is thinking you’re going to gain sympathy from women after just ‘stating’ that they don’t like nice guys. I say stating because you said it as if it were a fact this is indeed false. And I can assure you that women don’t like you because of your character and not because you’re “too nice”.


There are many reasons why women may not like me, i never said that being nice was the only reason why they didn’t like me. But that was certainly the thing which unsettled me the most, because being nice is in my nature; I felt a little sad when I discovered that.
And I don’t want the sympathy of anyone. I’m sorry if I came across as a person looking for sympathy. I don’t want any. I’m not that sort of person.


Dating nowadays is an absolute mindfuck.


To spill out the bean
Women like guys who are hard on outside and soft on inside… majority of women I have been with like guys who have unnecessary attitude and are bad guys for the world but good only for her… it’s kinda complex
No man has ever cracked the algorithm of women🤣


That’s a lie; Women DONT like guys are who are nice to them, though I don’t know anything about what they think of guys who are nice to the rest of the world. Eitherway, I’m a guy who is nice to everyone. That still means that they dislike me for who I am.


Aw poor you 🥹 get over yourself dude, by these replies, women probably don’t like you and not because you’re just “too nice” it’s because you think so highly of yourself and always want to be seen as a victim.


I’m sorry, I’ll work on being more humble. But all I said was that women dislike me for who I am. I don’t see how that has anything to do with me thinking highly of myself or me victimising myself; i never thought of myself as a victim just because women dislike me, because I always respected their wishes.


I don’t think your whole character is based of being nice, making it seem like women only dislike you is because your nice is very inaccurate. I’ve always been attracted to nice guys cause they are sweet and respectful, am I not a “true women” according to one of your replies? I say you victimise yourself because you keep acting like know every single women and have been hurt by them just because your too nice.


Yes, there is a lot more to me than just being nice. I wish people could see and maybe appreciate that, but I’d understand them if they don’t. If I keep being nice to people who don’t like it when someone is nice to them, they obviously won’t think much of what sort of character or personality I have. Anyway, I’m sure that there are a lot more things to dislike about me; like my appearance. I’m scarred and deformed because of an accident.
It’s very rude to accuse someone of lying on an anonymous app like this, but I will say that you could be lying; all the videos I saw were 100% true and logically sound. Lots of men had shared their experiences in the comments as well. You are either lying, or you are one of the only few (or only) women who like guys who are nice to them.
And I’m sorry for acting like I got hurt; I did get hurt when I discovered why girls disliked me, but i shouldn’t have told it or shown it to anyone else. And as I said, there are a lot of reasons why they could dislike me.


Haha ok


Some advice, don’t go watching videos that are made majority of the times by men trying to paint women in a negative light. Their goal is to persuade you and it looks it’s working. You said you know that there are other reasons women may dislike you, if that’s the case then why make it seem as if it’s just because you’re nice?


I do have other things in life; did I say that I didn’t?


I saw videos which were made by women as well. TikTok compilation, where they complain about guys who are nice to them.


I never made it seem like being nice is the only reason why women don’t like me; there are a hundred reasons why women don’t like me. But being nice is the one which unsettled me the most, because that has to deal with something which is almost sacred to me.


Your so strongly stating women dont like nice guys, seems like you have been rejected and all that bitterness is coming out like this, have you considered the possibility that the women who have rejected you might have had a reason to do that, like they like someone else or they are simply not interested in you, is thier a rule that because you are nice guy every women you approach should accept you right away…shows immaturity and bitterness, maybe you are very young…just understand that women have the right to choose whom they want to be with, and just because your a ‘nice guy’ doesnt mean they have to automatically say yes to you, grow up and stop being judgemental, you kept saying you are a nice guy, but you are calling eveyone who replies a liar isnt that rude?..think about it…


I’ve always respected the decisions and wishes of women; I’ve never questioned them or complained about them. I know that all women have reasons for rejecting me; I respect that too.


And don’t accuse me of questioning their right to choose. I can’t tolerate that, please.


Lying is rude; I’m sorry if I you felt that calling someone a liar was rude. I’ll include that in my dicitioyof rude, and make sure that I never do that again. Everyone is obviously saying the truth, I must not doubt or question anyone.


Bro you said in your statement ‘absolutely no women likes a nice guy’ isnt that questioning and judging their right to choose? But maybe you are in pain, so let it go, it will take a lot of time to find the correct person, so be patient till then…i have met guys who seemed nice but were absolute worst after a while, so you never know who a person is inside unless you know them for a while, as you are confused about women, women are to confused about men, especially when you are at a young age, once you get wise you will know who is nice for you so hang in there dont overthink things…


I never stopped a woman from liking a guy who was nice. I just said what was the truth. There are so many videos on YouTube which say so; there are so many men who have shared their experiences in the comments. I don’t think any of them ever forced a woman to not like someone. I think most of them respected a woman’s decision when she rejected them. That’s why they get called nice, and not rude.


The videos you see online, the things you experience in life are not the universal truth. Don’t go making absurd statements thinking you know what and who women like. That is probably the main reason why the women in your life do not like you. Maybe you’re going through something idk, so I’m not going to be harsh just don’t go making generalisations only based on what you have seen such as your YouTube videos and tik tok complications and they are most likely staged and looking for clout which you are giving them.


Well said, he needs an attitude and personality adjustment first…


But I have no reason to believe that they aren’t the universal truth. I’m certainly not the only person to think they are. I need some sort of answer to why women don’t like me and keep rejecting me; when I thought that it was because of my looks, people on this app convinced me that my looks had nothing to do with it. And now that I’ve discovered that it’s because of my nature, people are trying to convince me otherwise.
And yes, me being this way may certainly have something to do with women not liking me. But i never told any women about my views or opinions; i never got that far with anyone.


Yep you’re right.


I certainly might.


If you never got that far then how do they know you’re ‘nice’ and therefore that’s the supposed reason they don’t want to be with you?


Question, have all the women in your life disliked you?


Well, whenever I talk to women it’s usually about them or other things in general. I feel like wanting to talk to them about myself wouldn’t be so nice. And I try my best to be as nice as possible. I know that it might not be enough, but i do as much as I can. I can confidently say that women experience some degree of it.


Excluding my mother, they all have.


You have every reason to think it’s the universal truth? If I tell you now that I have always liked nice guys will that break your mentality of women don’t like nice guys


You can always lie. If you aren’t, you maybe a exceptional case.


Then maybe you need to ask yourself who the problem is. Is it every single women that is the problem or is it you? I’m leaning towards the latter


Wow I’m an exceptional case because I like guys who are nice 😍 I can’t take seriously imao


Yes, the problem is definitely within me. I never said that the problem was with the women. I always said that the problem was me being nice.


You should see those videos.


Give me the link then


Just search women don’t like nice guys on YouTube, you’ll find tons


Links don’t work on this app


But surely if you search for something, it will come up? Like you are looking to find reasons to not like women. You can’t take those videos and say every women is like that.


I never searched for that particularly. I was seeing reasons why guys get rejected repeatedly, and it was there that I found it. It shocked me a lot. I literally thought it was some sort of joke, untillI looked at how many videos of that sort were there and listened to a few of them.


Alright bud, you’re wrong but you seem dead set on believing all women don’t like nice guys. Can’t change the mind of someone not willing to open it up.


After seeing all comments you are definitely not a nice guy, you just think you are, very far from it…


I’m sorry that you think so. I do try my best to be nice. I guess I’ll just try harder.


Well, its true the immature girls like the guys who like to play hard to get. They seem like a challenge to them to win him over. So they can show off to others like a trophy. But usually when a girl matures she usually understands the difference between the nice guys and others. According to me, the person is just foolish still running after a guy who does not care about her.


I’m really sorry, but I have to disagree. All women hate guys who are nice to them, regardless of their maturity. I don’t blame them; I’m sure they must have their reasons, like you said; maybe they like guys who are hard to get, or maybe they have had some bad experiences with guys who were pretending to be nice. Maybe they feel as if they will be forced to reciprocate the nice behaviour; I simply don’t know, and I wouldn’t mind If don’t ever. Because I respect their wishes.


You mean that boys should treat girls as terribly they can and girls would be fawning over them.
Oh please, its not like that.
Girls are attracted to kind ness and care. I don’t know what you went through. Your ways of thinking about women are WAY TOO WRONG


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