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Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

If u had one last day left to live what would uh do???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman
Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_og
Profile picture for Now&Me member @letter
Profile picture for Now&Me member @abhishek09
52 replies

I would Go to him and roam around with him

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

She would b okay after hearing uh will b gone next day?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Hey …let’s not b harsh towards anyone it was his opinion

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Its his option to spend his final moments with whosoever he wants why drag parents n everyone!!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Nop…u haven’t
It was nice hearing abt ur opinion
So let’s leave this over here?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

U don’t have to be😊♥️


Spend time with my family and friends and with myself


And I will forgive myself for everything


I’d propose to her. As simple as that.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

If she accepts??


Then die happily maybe?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

What about her?


Ain’t i the one dying here? (P.s: ik I’m being selfish, but while dying, i think i get to be)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Yeah…maybe u can


She won’t. I know her, that’s why I haven’t proposed to her yet.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Then why do uh guys choose the wrong one??? Or after choosing do they become a wrong one…🤷


Idk why i haven’t told her what’s is in my heart, or maybe the fear of losing people had affected me. Idk. And fyi i haven’t chose the wrong one, she is perfect for me. I believe that the things/people destined for me will ultimately reach me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Mm…hmm…fir b i hope u will b with ur destined one!😇


Aik aik se apna badla nikal ke jaungi 🥲🥲🥲


Write my whole story out on a book for my people to read

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Nice one…but can uh complete it in a day?


I can do as much as i can right? Anyways an incomplete ending is what I’m getting in the first place no?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06





Anyways being a writer at heart, making my readers happy gives me alot of peace

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

It will just sit outside and watch the birds fly while listening to What A Wonderful World

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06


Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_og

Gill Rohit @its_og

So I wanna meet u and grab cup of coffee ☕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Haha…i would love to
But not just before uh die😅

Profile picture for Now&Me member @letter

fiction @letter

Scuicide 😂😂 because it will change my fate I will die 1 day before my fate

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Atleast avenge yourself before uh “Suicide”!
Leave no regrets!!!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @abhishek09

Abhishek Gupta @abhishek09

Propose u

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Hahaha …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

I will request god not to remind me at all. There is nothing I can do in last day or hours. I will depart doing normal things, as I know, nothing will change when I am gone and nothing will be carried by my brains and heart too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Nice one yaa😉

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Hahahah thanks,by the way, what will you do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

I’m gonna sit and write letters to all the people I loved and cared♥️
And send them so they can recieve them later on☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Once I loved a lady, she posted 28 birthday cards to me as it was my 28th birthday, and died. Imagine what I went through?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @butterfly_06

Ishu♥️ @butterfly_06

Instead of saying gd bye to u in person that am no longer gonna live tmrw is the worst pain tn receiving a letter with love and cherishing all the moments is wt i prefer cause it will not fade with time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @restingrony5

RoChan @restingrony5

Nothing much… I’ll just sit down with someone probably the best person and share everything which i had within myself for ages…

vampir @vampir


vampir @vampir

Hy can u give some idea tha how does tha app work
How to make friends request actually

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