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If the guy you’re casual with, drunk calls you and tells you that he wants you to introduce you to his friends, what does that mean? Tent casual supposed to be something that’s just between two people with no emotions involved?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulwriter
28 replies

He is no longer casual with you


Should I talk to him about it?


Or just ignore what happened?


He drunk called you . Also judging from your other comments he is more serious about you than you are about him.


Yes. Because it started off as a casual thing and we both were on the same page. Enjoying things along and he just drunk called to introduce me. Thankfully the connection sucked so I couldn’t get through with the VC.

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You’re right. Maybe I’m freaking out for no reason.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulwriter

Maybe he thinks you are cool enough to be friends with his other friends


I hope it’s just that. I’m really hoping it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulwriter

Why don’t you try asking him


But you don’t introduce your casual to your friends lol


But what should I ask exactly?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulwriter

You can ask him hey wasn’t it just random of you to introduce me to your friends… or to drunk call. Are you okay. Just checking up if we are on a same page


That’s a great way to ask. I’ll try that tomorrow morning when he’s sober.

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