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Aman @ano_nymous

If someone has done something, which have hurt you some way or another. But, they have done that because they believe that it was right.

Then who is wrong here?
Or both are correct yet they are suffering?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Thee question itself is confusing…can you elaborate more?


This is just my opinion and I hope no one gets offended if this doesn’t suit you.

Perceptions matter a lot in almost everything. What seems to be good for person A doesn’t necessarily has to be good for the person B.

In general, I think people treat others the way they want to be treated.

If a fish is friends with a housefly, the fish would want to bring the housefly inside the water as it feels being inside the water is great but little does it know that the same water that gives life to the fish will kill the housefly instantly. Now would you call the fish a bad fish? It never intended to harm the housefly at all. The fish only wanted the fly to feel the same happiness it felt. But it turned out to be bad for the fly
So it will be definitely hard for the fish and the housefly to be together.

Even though I quote fish and housefly here, it applies to us as well as we humans are so distinctively different with one another in terms of thoughts, ideas, habits, lifestyle, beliefs and atleast a 100 more other things.

For a lasting relationship, I think we should think through and choose wisely whom we acquaint ourselves with.


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