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Drug AbuseThought


If drugs are one of the society’s problem, why can’t the government just ban all drugs to be sold to citizens unless it is used for medical purposes. Also, why is cigarette still allowed when it’s killing lots of people at a young age. Please can someone explain to me, thank you :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

I’m sorry I won’t be able to explain that, because I have the same question in my mind since long. I guess we don’t know who’s actually answerable to these questions.


because everything in this world is doing for money.With drugs and ciggarets are a guge mount of money in game :(


because it’s a source of revenue for the govt. and people are so addicted to these things that if you will ban them still they will find a source to get them. apart from this, I think that doing drugs is a personal choice everyone knows how harmful it is so if they are still taking it then let them.


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