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3am ThoughtsThought


Idk why nowadays I’m more angry and sad than usual… Alot of mood swings, I get angry or hurt on small things, idk I can’t control it, before I could ignore it but now I can’t

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shankar
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shankar

awkwardforlife @shankar

What happened? Do u wanna talk?


Idk how to fix my moodiness which I’ve these days… I don’t like it


Same ….

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shankar

awkwardforlife @shankar

Well, i always tried plugging in my earphones sitting idle , just let all the stress gets away from me. Could you try that.


I try but again people say something and it’s again like that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shankar

awkwardforlife @shankar

Don’t let others rubbish get you annoyed and leave all the better things you could do with time, just tell yourself screw them… When we know our struggle and what we are doing, just smile at them …try to Get away from them.
If they’re not suggesting any good to you, you shouldn’t waste any time getting their crap into your head.



Profile picture for Now&Me member @shankar

awkwardforlife @shankar



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