idk why I’m separating myself from my friends or maybe from people who i think are my friends but actually are not …when I used to talk first or message them first we used to be friends , but the day i stopped talking first and going to them first , we no more talk at all …so i thought now I’ll rather stay alone but never go back to them , IDC how strong the bond was , how close we were , i just know that if I’ll start first then there is any relation in my life and if I stop talking to them , going to them , if I’m no more available for them , then there is nothing … whenever they wanted my help i gave … whenever they wanted anything i was the first one everytime to be there …and now when I just stopped talking to them ,they also are not coming …like wow …then they used to talk about feelings and emotions and friendship …do they even what real friendship is …or maybe I myself is wrong …maybe I’m egoistic …but now i just know no one is my friend like no one …i literally have noone in my life whom I can trust and call my friend …maybe i deserve this because of my behaviour but now i don’t want any friends coz i know I’ll give more and they’ll never ever care about me like how i feel, what I’m going through…i think it’s better for me to separate myself from everyone …i used to be a kind of extrovert but I’m slowly turning into introvert which i don’t want but i have no other option than this …what should I do … I’m not feeling okay …i used to very strong at hiding my emotions but today when we all were together …first my friend was talking to me but when another of my friend came , they just ignored me like i was never there… I’m feeling like they want me to feel lonely …i just don’t know if I’m overthinking or I’m right …idk …i just know i wanna separate myself from everyone …please help me tell me what should I do …am i going right or …idk …:)
Bro first thing you must do is calm down. I mean just chill
how ?