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Jeydy @itsjustagirl

Idk where to start…im happy with my guy, im inlove with him, we also have 2 kids together but i wanna hang out wit this guy i used to talk when i was younger. I dont even have any friends like i used to before tht i had alot of people to talk to, express my feelings nd now i feel…lonely. every text i do is all hidden cuz my guy then gets mad. At night i sometimes cry regretting things ive done or things i didnt accomplished, imaging how my life would be if i chose differently.

20 replies

Your relationship misses something. Maybe its love affection or bucket list you wanted to tick off with your partner. Its a foolish idea to go and hang around your guy crush / friend from your past when you have your husband. I would simply say work on relationship cause that is what it needs to be worked on.

Jeydy @itsjustagirl

I also dont know what its missing…i truely do love him i also want to marry this guy but idk how nd why do i want to meet with this guy


Ok let me clarify , you have your kids with your bf but also with to see your crush from your past ?

Jeydy @itsjustagirl



I would simply say, reduce your means to contact that crush from your past and spend more time with your bf . Otherwise you are putting on a risk of damaging your relationship with your to be husband and joepardise your kids futures. Treat this as an opportunity to understand your bf more and also your self so that you can put across your expectations from the relationship on table.

Jeydy @itsjustagirl

Yeah you are right. I blocked him but the temptations of unblocking him are killing me


I can understand but remember you have bigger responsibilities now with you. Just wanted to ask, does that old crush from past try to talk to you ?

Jeydy @itsjustagirl

Yes, he got my number from a mutual friend of ours nd he texted me nd i responded. We were good for 2 days but then i blocked him so i wouldnt recieve messages from him when my man got home from work. But when i unblocked him again my dumb self strt text him but he writes all dry so i mights just keep him blocked

Jeydy @itsjustagirl

Yes, he got my number from a mutual friend but now ig i might keep him blocked

Jeydy @itsjustagirl

Cuz i blocked nd unblocked him but idk he feels idk like dry nd im realizing hes messing up wit my head


Block him and stay away .

katie @okatiet

I totally get what you mean. When you get into a relationship you distance yourself from your friends and spend more time with your significant other. If you want to catch up or hang up with this person you mention, I think you should but I also think you shouldn’t be hiding it from your lover. Talk to him about it if he gets mad, he shouldn’t be in the first place because it’s controlling. I know you love him but he needs to understand, Goodluck.


Catching up with a friend and catching up with a crush from the past is different. Would advice against OP against this.

katie @okatiet

But she mentions just a person she talks to? And follows up with having no friends anymore. So I assume she just means catching up with old friends she use to talk to.


She clearly had crush on that young guy . Check other comments .

Jeydy @itsjustagirl

Thank for the advice 😅

katie @okatiet

Yeah I see it now. I did not bother to refresh and look at other comments. I agree, that would not be a good advice. 😬


Meeting a crush, & marrying someone are two different things. Crush is just crush. But crush is easy, relationships are hard. And anything that comes easy, goes easily. Stay on the hard path, it’ll give fruits later. And meeting a guy is no problem. Just meet, explore & come back home. That’s what we do.


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