Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Idk what am I feeling or these days I am feeling nothing at all…I no longer have feelings to the people I loved once…they’re no more important to me…it won’t matter to them but idk why I’m feeling bad…

4 replies

Hey , first of all stop thinking about those who won’t care for u life is small to live . So i suggest u to keep urself busy nd Go ahead at last everything will be Good keep patience


Yess…will try…thank you😊

Abhiyash @abhim

It’s a phase and it is temporary! It generally happens when you’ve been too busy giving others love and in the process you forget to love yourself so you exhaust the feelings inside you! Give it time, understand your thoughts, accept them, coz that’s the first step of loving yourself! And gradually you’ll start improving and will be able to feel all the things all over again soon!


I hope so…I hope I’ll improve and be able to give love…btw thanks🙂


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