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3am ThoughtsThought


Idk just feels lonely most of the time.
I try to get engaged everywhere. I Try to be positive whole day. It feels sometimes I m just pushing myself extra which doesn’t even make a sense. Don’t want to talk about it. Feels its useless to even cry. Coz my crying won’t help but what will?
It feels no one is there. Idk really need some motivation for everything.

3 replies

Your_friend @your_friend_0

Talk to your friends and family. Always remember that there are people who who will always be there for you in time you need help. Stay positive and never give up, You got this!


Thnx for your advice, it is helpful. It means a lot. I just don’t have friends with whom I can open up. I got trust issues.


Can we talk about it in pvt? If you are comfortable?


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