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Idk if it’s a good thing or bad thing that if you are in a relationship but you don’t wanna admit it? Like my boyfriend he thinks that it’s not necessary to like give this thing name of relationship like I don’t have any problem with it but is he not sure about me? Help me with it guys

7 replies

Are u sure he is just having you pay attention towards him or getting your attention,
Try to listen your gut feelings and his and your close friends also in an indirect way
Cause there are many who want or even wish for a relationship and don’t get and there are one who don’t know the worth

Anywhich ways pehle sach malum padna badme malum padne se kahiguna accha hota hai


Okay so my gut feeling is that whatever we have is not gonna stay for longer but still I’m trying to enjoy the present just going with the flow


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