Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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You want to talk it out ?

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

Yeah please


So tell me… I am all free and try to help you out

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

I don’t know what to tell

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Tell me what makes u sad

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

Everything maybe but more specifically my existence

Steve Rogers @nooneknowsm...

Ohh God u are really sad…
Please remember there are people who love you

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

I do remember them and for those people and small moments I’m eternally grateful ❤💯

maryam @mariyameem

There might be somebody out there who is grateful for your existence. It doesn’t necessarily need to be someone you kno…

maryam @mariyameem

I totally get you… I feel you… I been through the same… I still m struggling to process it.

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

Maybe idk

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

I hope you heal from the things you don’t talk about💙

maryam @mariyameem

I hope you find the strength to get through this rough phase. Its not easy… Its tough… So are you!


Yess that’s all u need
Hangout with them
Open up to them
Make yourself happy , and take their help and be strong

Aneesa Miller @aneesa

Yeah Thank you

Aneesa Miller @aneesa


Profile picture for Now&Me member @night_owl

Hassaan @night_owl

void weighs too much

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