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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @allen_walker8

VedforYou @allen_walker8

Idk but this might be strange
But if there’s a girl willing to give it a try … do connect me

I wanna come over to your place for a day and go out with you on a date. Eat some really nice food with you … listen to your stories … laugh with you … hold your hands and walk as long as we both become tired. And again have some really nice food. Prolly end with a cheese cake … talk about our deepest and wildest fantasies, put my arms around your shoulder as I hear you cracking a joke and smiling to it yourself, roast battle till one of us give up … and finally , hug each other with moonlit sky in the backdrop and leave as if we had the best day of our lives …

What say. Lemme know 🙂❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @allen_walker8
9 replies

Hi it’s good that you thought that way… and it’s normal… i liked the idea… but i am an introvert so i ll pass this…
Good luck and i hope you ll make that girl happy… 🤗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @allen_walker8

VedforYou @allen_walker8

Hey glad you found it relatable. But yeah it’s finee. Thanks for the reply anyway. I mean yaar … people these days don’t get to experience love or real companionship in any actual means. All they is people who talk for the sake of their own selfish needs

I’m an old school romantic and I guess love be it in friendship or in a relationship … it needs efforts and the current social media generation is lacking it big time. People don’t write letters anymore … they don’t go out of their ways to meet their loved ones. They are all running a race that never exists. Me included. And I’m fed up of it even though I’ve to do it like everyone

So yeah … take care. Have a great time. Thanks a lot for the reply🫂❤️




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