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3am ThoughtsThought


Iam a disappointment, to me myself my family and to my boyfriend. I will never succed in life i guess because i don’t even know what i want to do in life. Do i want a 10-7 job! Or should i do something that’s my own? What do u want to become girl! Why can’t i decide what i want to do.?

15 replies

Just because you have not reached where you wanted to be doesn’t mean you are a failure or a disappointment. How old are you so I can describe what’s going on?


I am 23, female, a graduate in english honours and have internship experience in social media marketing.


Alright so let me explain to you something. I am 23, I am a guy, I have not graduated yet, my family is like, you’re never gonna get a girl because you’re so far behind. But I don’t see myself as a disappointment. I feel like, everyone goes through life at their own pace. I have several internship experiences but I changed majors. What you have to understand is that just because you haven’t reached where you want to be at at your age, doesn’t mean you won’t reach there in a couple of years. You are already extremely successful to my standards, you just need to love yourself a little bit more, and give yourself some time.


You will reach greater heights i am sure but you know the thing is… I don’t know what i actually want to be or what i actually want to do in life. I have no idea, no clue nothing. I don’t know who i want to be.


I don’t know where I want to be either, I’m just exploring life, making mistakes, learning from them, but I will never see myself as a disappointment. Because a disappointment is something you feel when something obvious or something you worked really hard for didn’t work out. You simply don’t know what you want to become yet. We can call that a journey to discover yourself. I’m still on that journey myself.


You explain so nicely. Maybe. Maybe… I don’t know what is to come and what i will become… But i hope i can become as sensible as you, so i never ever feel hopeless in me.


I’m explaining nicely because when we’re in a bad spot, we think of the worst possible scenario. Your situation, while problematic, it’s not rare. I’m here to show you that it’s not the end of the world. Also I don’t know how your family and boyfriend feels about you but I don’t see you as a disappointment. I doubt they do either.


Thank you Mr. Stranger. You boosted my confidence. I hope you achieve whatever it is that you are looking for. ❤ take lots of love.


Haha glad I can help. Good luck to you. Hope to become as successful as you 😊


Awwww… I am gonna cry now. Why are you so nice? 😭


There are many mean, rude, and toxic people in the world. However being a simple nice person, there’s a lot of opportunities do that 😁


Keep being you and never change. Do not let this sick world and its some sick people change you. And thank you for the talk. ❤


Man now I’m going to cry. I thought I was helping you 😭😂


Take care of yourself! 😊


You too take care of yourself ❤❤


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