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Ia fucking so confused about my career

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mib__
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mib__

Groot @mib__

Me too bhai




What can we do


Self reflect… Choose every possible job you can think of and try to imagine what your life would be, look and feel like with each and every job, choose the one which you liked more… Which felt good and felt right to you more and pursue that damn job… Don’t care about what your parents (I mean their opinion is important but not the final decision, the final is in your hand it felt like that job is my thing, i liked that job do it) if the job provides the highest salary or like if its in a “trend” even if it the rarest job on earth which people don’t prefer to do, even so, if you liked it do it. Cause you can be pursuing the famous jobs, high salary job which people would die for but if it didn’t felt right fit to you, you won’t be happy yeah money makes people happy but satisfaction makes you happier, you could literary be making a pizza and have a small buisness (if you like making pizza) you would be leading the satisfied life more then people with money cause tbh highest paid jobs are very time and work consuming like you could be having a ton of money but you could even get a time to actually spend them to your enjoyment as much because you wouldn’t have time to with the busy life or the job might drain the excitement out of you to do thing which you liked before so, take risk the worst could happen is you will die with satisfaction that you tried ur best or live your life feeling dead inside with no actually excitement in life. Just depends on what you choose and most importantly how BADLY you what that life.

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