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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

I write some dope answers here but the post gets removed…such is life lol

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

why is that??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

All the posts doesnt support community guidelines…sensitive topics you see?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

That’s so fair?? they shouldn’t have been taken down unless it was hateful or something, yk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

I know, but the readers are sensitive over here and it makes sense to me. This isnt a community for all cheerful people so being a bit careful wont harm I suppose

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

Still, that isn’t fair to me. I’m so sorry, maybe try censoring some words and adding a trigger warning if you haven’t before

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Oh yeah. I will keep that in mind. 🙂✌️


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