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I would like to hear someone’s views on this. I’m that person who does a lot in any relationship/friendship and I like doing that, I don’t do it to get something. I’ve just always been the helper and I’ve realised over my therapy sessions that I’d started neglecting my own feelings and taking emotional responsibility of my friends. I’m now working on building boundaries and keeping myself first (very difficult process).
So, sometimes I feel really dejected and depressed that no one hypes me up as I do them or no one really does stuff for me. I think this also plays into why I can’t take compliments as they are not given to me often. When I feel like this, I just want to stop doing things for people and go into my shell but I know that’ll not help so I keep convincing myself against it. I know I should tell my friends when I’m upset/disappointed and I’ve just done that but that hasn’t helped me as that is just who they are. What do I actually do in this situation?

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Thanks a lot! I’m trying to do that everyday. Hoping it works out for you too🌟


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