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I wish life could be more peaceful than death and reality could be more beautiful than dreams.

2 replies

Life is more peaceful than death because we donโ€™t have control over death, it will come one day surely- suddenly or slowly. We can make life more beautiful and meaningful and leave a legacy. Our ability to breathe, taste, hear, feel, argue, change lasts until we have life, what is beyond that, no one can tell. Death is the end of life, a reality no one can change, but the beauty of life is to give us the option to choose.
Reality is more beautiful than dreams as it feels much better and joyful when we see dreams fulfilling and becoming a reality. But oneโ€™s dreams should obey the laws of physics !! No money rains or a romantic partner sitting on a unicorn!!
As long as you can see a dream, you can get it. Your dreams should have the support of work too, without it, it is like a building without pillars! Everything existing in our world today was a dream once- from Aeroplanes to AI-powered robots. From empires to democratic societies. We made all this real


Ur words man it describes everything so briefly and beautifully Iโ€™m very impressed with ur POV abt life and death , reality and dreams thanx for making me believe in everything again with ur words. Tbh ur words have so much power to it that I was able to understand everything better. Thanx for putting end to my dilemma in such a wonderful way โ€ฆ Iโ€™m so glad to encounter ur perceptionโ€ฆ Of life.


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