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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sophiehope

Sophie @sophiehope

I wish I wasn’t always looking for you. I turn my head around and hope you’re there. That is not necessary because you won’t be. You don’t want me and I want you still. That is what hurts me the most because I will always want you I feel. But I need to stop thinking that wayvI need to get over you right now. I need to because I am better than that, better than you. I am better than wanting someone who doesn’t want me. You wouldn’t even comfort me in my time of need. I needed you the most these past few weeks. You know that and you still leave me here alone. I am looking around and don’t see anyone who is here for me. I wish we could had had one last talk. I would had told you I love you and I wish you would had not said it back. Then I could start the process of forgetting you. It seems like I am stuck in my life and I need my life to keep going. Please get out of my head. I just don’t understand how you forgot about me so fast. Was I not that important to you? I wish I knew. Why did you just forgot about me so fast?
I was your first and you were mine. Even if it was for different things. You were the first boy I ever loved. I was your first person you loved enough to lose to. This breaks me so much but I have to stop thinking about you. I can’t have you be my whole world anymore. Especially when I am nothing to you now. It hurts like hell but I am trying. I almost hope we never talk again. I hope I stop missing you and I hope I heal from you. All I have is this hope. Hope for someone to come and pick up my broken self and help me. So for now I am going to say goodbye. And forever I will say goodbye. Baby I miss you but you will never me mine again. Goodbye Karson

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sophiehope
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sophiehope

Sophie @sophiehope

ugh I know it sucks


Vent out sweetie , vent until you feel light hearted and hope you heal faster … you don’t deserve him , you deserve a person better than him so plz be patient and wait for that one coz god has amazing plans for you ❤️I’m here if u need anything . Do u wanna connect ??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sophiehope

Sophie @sophiehope

aw thank you and yes ofc I would love to talk to you


i an always here for you - Girll


i am*

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sophiehope

Sophie @sophiehope

thank you much

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sophiehope

Sophie @sophiehope

I wish but my phone is broken




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