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I wish I was pretty…if was a pretty girl I would be having a smooth life…I would be hving a loving bf…I know having a bf is not a big deal but still…I crush on people who are out of my league…all my friends are pretty I am the ugliest one…I want to be pretty for once…I don’t want to hangout with anyone because everyone is prettier than me…i have dark circles dark elbows dark knees ugly body tanned forehead and worst dressing sense…whn i sit with my friends they always scold me for wearing rubbish clothes not using lipstick for not eating properly and and many more…I know they say thing for my benefit only but still I can’t pretend to be okay all the time…I just want to end this life…and live a life again where I would be a pretty girl…and u know what today I met my ex and he asked me to click his picture with my frnd…what can be more bad thn this lol

13 replies

Be pretty from inside and you’ll feel beautiful already


I give my 100 % but still never get anything in return


We crave appreciation but we don’t always do things to get appreciated so enjoy yourself


I am always enjoying myself only and now I feel lonely left out and alone


Something an ugly person would say


Hey beauty is not on the outside…
Real beauty is inside… u will get someone who would really see ur beauty…
Just change the way u think… nonody is perfect in this world… u should know that u are beutiful jst the way u are…


No one gonna see my inner beauty let’s be honest…my gym trainer never focuses on me he only focus on pretty girls I feel left out most of the time


Hey just dont lose ur confidence… be happy for wht u have… never compare yourselves… just think of people who really dont have what u have… they just maybe wish to be even like u…so be confident and be happy… u will definitely get someone who truly loves u for wht u are…💯

sufi @sufiyan

The root of this problem is your acceptance… Why do you accept that you are not pretty or why compare yourself with other girls around…do what you like and be who you are as you are…If someone gonna accept you one day let them accept the real you…If they need you to change take it as a sign they are not fit to be part of your life


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