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Gender EqualityThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

I was wondering if anyone has any idea why breasts are sexualized? I think it’s insane that women can’t take their shirts off but men can. And is there an excuse? That there’s pedophiles? Yeah, whatever. If it doesn’t make me uncomfortable, then who cares if pedophiles bother me.

The other day, I went to my friends house and we took a socially distant walk. We were pretending that we couldn’t pay rent and that we got kicked out of my studio apartment with a baby I found crying at my doorstep (We’re not normal at all). Anyway, we pretended that it got freezing cold and my friend - we’ll call her Ramen - took off her sweatshirt to reveal her bare chest. I had nothing against that, and I’ve seen her shirtless plenty of times. She wrapped the sweatshirt around the baby and cuddled her.

Nobody talked to us the rest of the way, not even a friendly smile. Everyone, and I mean everyone, we passed stared at us.
I want to know why a child’s naked upper body is sexualized and an old man’s isn’t.

Smh world.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
6 replies

Using the word “Pedophiles” with respect to women’s breasts makes no sense. If you google it up, Its a disorder so you shouldn’t say something who might have gone through this with ‘whatever’ attitude.

Nobody sexualizes a baby’s upper body (never heard about this). Wrapping a baby with a cloth is self-explanatory.

If you are from India, then you must know how a women is treated and what the society considers it to be. With time we too are evolving but its the individuals choice what to do. Here, we do consider it as something bad but people do when they wish to or their job tells them to (again, with consent obviously).
If you are from outside, then again you should know there are models who go Topless and they do show their breasts and their upper body.
Nothing is INSANE!!

However, coming back to your friend, she does show you, right? Infact shown plenty of times. There will be women who are comfortable showing it and there will be most women not comfortable showing it.

In my opinion, a man’s Penis is considered their private body part, a women’s Breasts and Vagina are her private body parts.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Dear Anonymous,
In my opinion, vaginas and penises are our private parts. I believe it is unfair that boys can be shirtless but I can’t. I didn’t know the thing about pedophiles being a mental illness. Hm.


So without having the full knowledge, you can’t just use it for the sake of it, right?

As I mentioned earlier, women too get shirtless when they need to just like men. In India, it happens less. BUT
If you are so willing to be shirtless like men, no one is forcing you not to. Go ahead and BE THE CHANGE rather than TRYING TO CHANGE.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Wow. That was epic. Thanks for your wisdom, I will use it to my advantage. ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

I hope you understood my point and will use it in the correct manner next time. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

I did. Thanks. 😌✌🏾


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