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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

I was trying to end my relationship from almost and year and a half but i scared to say this out loud, i knew it could have alot of consequences and i just wasn’t ready to face them at all so i kept shut. I even tried to end it but he told me that he will put everything out there , by which i think he meant our pictures. I got really scared and decided to stay. He also apologised for saying this during his anger. Somewhere my heart knew this wasn’t right. No one who loves you can say this to a person even in anger . This isn’t how love should be. Anyway, i continued staying with him and during that time a lot of things happened, I didn’t know what to do , i had no friends. So i tried to end everything as peacefully as i could. But he kept on saying that he won’t leave me , no matter what, which continued for months. Today , he tried to contact my cousin and I couldn’t help but got panicked . I didn’t know how i could stop him so i tried to talk to him for the last time, but he was still stuck on his point of not leaving. Eventually i lost my temper and for the first time in our relationship i yelled at him and said so many mean things. Then i told his sister everything that he was doing with me from so long. She assured me that she will not let anything bad happen to me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee
13 replies
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misty @its_misty

Don’t worry everything will be alright
I myself also faced the same situation .


Yes everything will be okay . He had it coming coz he threatened you and you dont wanna be with him now. O would suggest you dont think too much about him and look after yourself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

It’ll be fine my friend!! Be strong!!!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

I cried after reading this.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

You don’t even know what this means to me , thankyou from all my heart.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

More power and love to you.❤️

misty @its_misty

Thank you it means a lot ❤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

I don’t know if I should ask you this or not but will be able to hear me out if you have capacity? I just want someone to listen to me. ( you can also say no) I don’t want to die inside.
Also , Regina falange is phoebe buffay from friends.

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