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I was the replaceable friend.

4th grade - I had a friend (lets call her A). A never introduced me to her friends. I was treated as an option. She had 2-3 friends with whom she used to hang out during recess. She only used to talk to me or play with me during recess when her friends were absent or when she had a fight with them.

5th grade - I became friends with a girl (lets call her B). Now, B was an excellent student and I was the second best girl student of my class. Everything was going great until we were promoted to 6th grade. A girl replaced me as the second best girl student and I became the third best girl student. Suddenly B who never acknowledged that girl’s existence became her best friend and I was replaced. I wrote B’s notes and even listened to her favorite music so that we could discuss about that and become friends again. But she pretended that I didn’t exist and avoided me and only acknowledged me when she needed something. I tried for few months and then gave up and we drifted apart. Few years later when I was in 10th grade I came to know that she told everyone that I had ditched her because I was jealous of her excellent academics.

11th grade - All my friends from 10th grade ditched me. Every single one of them. The made plans without me and never even bothered to invite me.

I have deactivated my social media accounts due to competitive exam preparations and out of 20 people only 1 of them bothered to check on me and its been 2 years.

Whenever they needed a listener, or wanted notes, or wanted an optional friend they used to come to me. Nowadays I don’t even bother making too much effort. If I see someone not making an effort I leave them instantly. There should be a balance. Just like a relationship, friendship too requires efforts from both.

I have 2-3 friends (my true friends) who check on me, support me, talk to me like friends should. I will cherish them forever.

What is your story? Were you ditched by a friend?

1 reply

I don’t even have one friend whom I can talk to about what I feel.It’s like I have friends but I don’t have them if you get it


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