I was talking to a guy and initially he texted me first. When I started liking him it feels like he not really initiated conversation, I always text first. Sometimes he replies and sometimes he left me on read if I don’t ask any questions. I am confused if he is still interested in me? He always told that he doesn’t like texting. How to know if he is still intrested? I have asked him to meet up and he said he will be busy till this weekend. Should I ask him again about his availability or I should wait for him to be back to me?
Where did you met him first
Your & his parents are also in contacts? Like regular calling & all
No not yet, I met him 5 times. Still he is taking time to involve his parents. My parents aware of him
So his parents don’t know about this at all?
He said he informed his parents and they are waiting for their son’s approval and he is still unsure about me
He doesn’t seem like a good one
Jelly @jelly21
He is lying. Some boys use this tactics. If he genuinely cares about you he also will want to talk to you and find ways to talk to you. If he doesn’t like texting, he can call you right?
You were right. He left me on seen and it’s been 3 days. I asked for a meet up one last time
Adjacent city 30 km distance
I found him from matrimony and met him 5 times till now. We had some arguments cause he lied about his age and later I told it’s okay to me, and he told me to keep me as an option and also asked me to talk to other guys from matrimony and If I still choose him then he will be happier. I have asked whether we can meet again. He told he will be busy till this weekend nd m not sure whether to ask him again
But m not sure if he is interested 😢
I am 29 and he is 35. He told me I have few things that he has some insecurities. As I have crossed checked his background and told him about his age. Initially he told me he is 32 and I happened to find it as 35 we had some arguments and then I blamed me for cross checking his details behind his back. So right now I am confused if he still likes me. I really like him 🥹
Umm… He is matured to my age. He behaves like a gentleman. A little bit caring. Hold door for me a single time. He is very comfortable around me that he does humming. He is a doctor
But last time we really had a huge fight and I am afraid now
These days I always text him first and he just replies to my texts. As he always gets busy at his work I understand. Should I wait for him to text me first?
I am afraid what if He won’t text me 😢 but I really want to know if he is interested
Thank you so much beautiful soul!
Please check my below message
When he feels like I am angry or dissapointed he always rushes back to see me. Post our arguments he seems not interested and told he will be busy till this weekend and when I asked can we meet after this weekend he said OKAY. Should I ask him again or should I wait?
Suwon @relaxed_sassy_2
Got it. Thank you😃
Suwon @relaxed_sassy_2
Sorry didn’t get u
Euphoria @excited_snooze
Definitely not the one.
I guess you should wait. But before that tell him that you likes him. Idk if you have already said it or not. And then give both of you time. If he is not texting or initiating things then its a sign for u to move on. You don’t have to waste your time for people you don’t respect your time
Who don’t *
Suwon @relaxed_sassy_2
Thank you I have told him already and he said he is happy to know that I like him. What does it mean? He still likes me?
That’s not a proper answer. You should ask him what he thinks about it. If he likes you back or not. There should be a proper answer.
I have asked him already on initial days and he said I am good as a person but he have some insecurities regarding my doubting nature as I have crossed check his background
Then call him and have a proper talk regarding this. Tell him that if he thinks this is not going to workout then its better to move on.
I will do. Thank you!
Does he have a valid reason for lying to you about his age?
He fear I might reject him
What the…👀 Anyway you guys should talk it out fr.