I was supposed to study the whole day but i wasted all the time and now feeling guilty… Why does this happen? What should i do next please help!
But half the day is wasted i won’t achieve what i decided
I think u r right… How to not feel guilty😣
Ok thanks
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
Whatever you want to study just see a video on that topic on YouTube it will give you a headstart then study on your own it will help to cover up time.
Don’t feel guilty everyone does that.
I was my class toper i loved studying i always procrastinate but I use to cover it. Never let the time that you wasted dictate your mood and waste rest of your time
That is where i got distacted… I watched a one shot video on youtube and then unknowingly clickes on another video and wasted half of my day
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
Ok what are you studying?
Please be quick i need to start at 4
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
Well it’s my speciality 😅
What is the topic?
I have to cover 3 to 4 topics atleast
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
I have my degree in pharmaceutical sciences, i may be able to help you
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
Polymer[half done]
Biomolecules[half done]
Aldehyde ketone carbox.
It’s 4 i need to go… Please be quick
Hello r u there?
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
Ya I am
Hussain Mandli @hussain379...
Complete physical properties of amines and ketones and then chemical.of ketones just the reactions(just see them) and finally production.
Ok i’ll do that thanks
Saniya Idrisi @saniyaidris...
Wow people are really helpful to each other here