Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yash

Yash @yash

I was stuck, I was lost,
I saw you and I encountered hope- So vast!

I was silent,
And You made me speak words which gave me freedom.

I was different, I had dreams to absorb the joys of life.
You became my life, when you came by my side.

I was not the best,
You were still there with me saying forget the rest.

I was scared about falling in love with you,
You made me believe I am made for you.

People say I’m too pessimist,
Am I? I sit and wonder
But I know someday,
We will be together
In next life or the other

And we won’t have to say Goodbye,
Just Goodnight ;)

1 reply

MetaLife @thoughtexplorer


Nice poem.


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