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I was on my periods and was really feeling anxiety attacks so I called my long distance boyfriend at 4 am and asked him to meet me tomorrow. He already has one of his friend at his house since a week and he along with his friend wanted to go to a show which happens twice a year. Moreover he was thinking that if he meet me in that time he could not get too much physical with me because of periods. So like at 11 am he said that he will meet me after three days i.e., when the periods will end(he didn’t say this). Now the problem is I am feeling bad that he is giving priority to getting physical rather than running at me after seeing me crying badly at 4 am. So I talked to him after some time and told him that things hurt me at that time that u care more about getting physical than being concerned about my anxiety. But even on confrontation he is not ready to accept his mistake and said that intimacy is also an important aspect and so I was considering both of them. But i saw this as a red flag as I thought that he just wanted to put me at the guilt. what to do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amazing_yak
11 replies

Hi , sach kahu to mujhe apki concern smjh arhi h , I can understand what you’re going through after listening to what he said . If he’s giving anything priority above your health then he’s at fault . But it’s still very soon to judge , if you’re comfortable w sharing then please let me know how many times this has happened ?


As a girl I would say this is definitely a red flag. Anxiety attacks are not a joke if anyone is reaching out to their partner for help they should support the other. Physical intimacy is important factor but not everything revolves around it


My shortest response: Run.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amazing_yak

Mirza Aashu @amazing_yak

As per your statement,that he realised his mistake,we are human being we do commit mistakes so in my opinion give him another chance but if he do the same thing then it’s a big red flag .


I understand your frustration and I say that don’t get intimate for at least a month look what he dose observe him if he continues approaches that turn then keep a brick on your heart and discard him
And as he reasoned you same way reason him whenever he asks until he reflects on his mistakes
And maintain unnoticeable distance for time period

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It ain’t abt periods but the fact that he prioritised $&x over her comfort nd needs. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Such an Id#otic guy


Girl leave him!! This man ain’t worth the struggle especially in a long distance relationship… Idk how you’re dealing w the two negatives🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Intimacy is important, very very important but not important than health.
And he just said what’s more important to him.
Actions speak louder than words🫠

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