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I was madly in love with guy X for over 3 years. He is a great guy. He had his own troubles but he always stayed loyal to me. And i always tried to support him in all of his problems. Though, we had fights as he couldn’t make me his priority ever.

Now, about a month ago i mey guy Y. We both are preparing for the same exam. He is also a great guy but i haven’t met him physically but he does feel like a great guy.

About 20 days ago, i broke up with guy X.

Things aren’t that great with guy Y and i haven’t met him but i do have little feelings for him.

Yesterday, Guy Y send me this message

“”“” Listen i am going to say this for the last time and then it’s all you
If you don’t want to end it then you don’t have to. Eventually you will get to become everything you want to be with me. Eventually you can love me also. Eventually you will really love the the person you are. This is not very complicated trust me. But if you really think that you can achieve those by leaving it’s really your decision. You can do what’s best for you. And trust me it’s not the best for me ( you leaving)
I would have forced you to stay but not now. Having feelings for someone means to free people and to not bind them in chains
Reply to this message TODAY ONLY IF YOU WANT TO STAY


Now, i am stuck between X and Y

I have been with X for 3 years, we are so comfortable with each other. And i don’t want to break his heart because i still have feelings for X. Those feelings are not that strong but they are still stronger than what i have for Y.

I know it is selfish of me for even discussing this. But, i really do need opinions. I can’t break either of their hearts.

Please help me.

All i know is that my family approves of X. And we actually are comfortable. And then there is this guy Y, haven’t met him but i feel this connection to him.

Help please.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals
22 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

Go for people you met in person.

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Should i stay friends with both then?
I think this is the best option.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

You have to let go one of them because you have feelings for both. This will create a irresistible love triangle in name of friendship with lot of pain.


Gotcha. I should leave Y then.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

If you meet Y you will get to know him real better and then you can decide. I wonder why you even think of Y. Maybe X is gone long ago from your mind.

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With X things were very tough. We didn’t talk a lot. Couldn’t spend time. But i understood everything all the time. He is always busy with his life and i just kept on waiting for his calls and messages. I care for him a lot but i don’t love him that much now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

That charm seems lost. Then leave X and go for Y or Z.

Ishita @ishita

The thing is I simply can’t just leave X. He will just end up losing his faith. I decide on being with both of them.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

Okay all the best

Ishita @ishita

Thank you


I 5hink if you love someone… you won’t think about anyone else… you can have crush on someone but you don’t think of leaving the person you love…

What i understood is you don’t love X or may the thing with X is not somehow mutual


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