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I was introduced to this guy by a mutual friend of us. The only drawback was that he was in Canada while I was in the States. He was planning to come to the States anyway. He added me on Facebook and so did I. We talked through texts for about 3 days before agreeing to a video call.
Everything went absolutely great. He even jokingly asked me at the end of our call if my feelings for him had become deeper. I shook my head to that question but I thought my happy smile answered it all to him.
To be honest, he was the one initiated all our conversations and flirted a lot through texts too. I told him to give me time to know him and my feelings for him more since I couldn’t have special feelings for someone i just talked for a few days. I surely needed time.
However, after our first and only video call, he just ghosted me. No more texts nor calls despite he was being online at the moment. At first, I thought he was busy or tired from work. But how could one who was busy or tired stay online for hours? I couldn’t stand being ignore no more, he had gone silent for 4 days. So I texted him asking about his well-being one day. He answered that he went to bed early these days so he couldn’t text me. I felt a little bit sus so I asked him if I had done anything wrong to him and I hoped he could tell me. I honestly didn’t want this new relationship to have some issues, not without any explanation, since the mutual friend who introduced us together was a really great friend of mine. I also told him that. All he said was that everything was normal. That was it! No further explanation why he was not texting me these past few days. I just told him “okay I understand”. He left me on read. And we were done.
That was a long story short but what I couldn’t understand was that how a guy could be all out and flirty to a girl and then all suddenly stopped. He was the one started this, gave me hope, and just ended me with no closure.
I’m all new to this relationship thing and honestly, this guy just messed me up real bad.
Thank you for reading.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks

Keerthan @ks

Relax …Spend some time with yourself ✨🍃 everything will settle✅


Thank you. I hope so too.

kabir ghangas @kabir_ghang...

confused person are hard to date…I think jo huya sahi huya


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