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β€ΊAnger Issuesβ€ΊThought


I was inform from my friends mom that I can get an ID to go to a location in Baja California for my friends quince.My parents are agreeing with helping me get my ID.Now I am being told that im being a bad son cause I like defended myself from being called out and they have told me I wont be able to go anywhere.I have done nothing wrong.Like Im not into drugs or alcohol.I have outstanding grades and community service.They say im the problem and my anger is building up constantly for the damn words they said.

1 reply

Its ok to have anger issues. When you are angry try not to speak to anyone you will just end up hurting them. Try to calm yourself down or better take a nap or go for a walk. Talk to your parents. Confront them. Make them understand that you will work on your anger and work on yourself. If you feel that your anger is not cooling down just let it all out by screaming or by doing a heavy workout. Just dont say harsh words to anyone it will only make the situation worse.


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