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I was in the 8th standard when a guy i had a crush on commented on how hairy my legs were. It has been almost 6 years since that and i still feel so insecure of my body hair. I live alone, there’s no one who can see the little hair on my legs but it just makes me feel icky about myself. It’s so weird how one fleeting comment had such an effect on me lol

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon

Sean_75 @raindrops_moon


That does affect people a lot when others comment on how their appearance was and looks. No one is prefect and everyone is beautiful as long as their inside was beautiful. Those who only comment on you only because of your appearance don’t deserve you and just know that, you are good to be you :)

shubham @chomsi


First of all sorry for what that guy said, he had no right to say anything + not just you everyone has hair. Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Be confident with who you are you are gorgeous the way you are. Hair no hair doesnt matter.


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