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I was in a relationship with this guy since 4 months. We love each other. We both stay at home. And my parents are not cool. They probably have a hint that I’m dating. And they’ve done things like checking my phone when I’m asleep, getting my call logs printed and stuff before. Im scared they’ll do it again. I’m 23. And an intern.
Because they’ll do that, I proposed that me and him stay apart for a while. No calls. Or texts. Or meets. I do want to go back to him later. I really do. And I know this is hard on him, and he said he’d wait.
But it’s hard. What do I do? I’m not strong enough to fight against my parents yet.
Is there anything other than this I can do? Will it ever get easy? Will we ever be together again?

8 replies

I can feel you
I use some tricks you can try that


Tricks like?


Make fake in-sta acc. Talk with him their
Log out when someone is near.
Call from that account
And show you are more responsible at home


Is there any other app that doesn’t need our number or email to chat? Or one where calls or texts can’t be traced?


You can chat on this app 🤔
For calling download elites preparation app where you can talk with him for free


You can use an MS word file to communicate.
Synchronise it and then both of you can talk on it like any chatting app
And you can protect it with password too


How exactly do you do that?

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