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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I was in a relationship with a girl from my office. few days back I found out that she texted a person that she wanted to marry him. I felt betrayed. I tried to talk to her but she don’t have any regrets of it only saying she love me. It is might be cheating for other but you should trust me. I can’t Handle it decided to close relationship. She is already blackmailing me if I didn’t marry she will file police complaint. Most time when she was said she love me I try to trust her. But I after this incident I lost every hope but leaving under betrayal phase and fear of police case. I slowly started losing my hope to leave. But leaving for my father mother. Constantly suicidal thoughts come in mind Whenever I’m alone or travelling. I can’t say things to anyone.

7 replies

Collect all proofs against her from messages to call recordings, remember the messages should be screenshot without her number saved so that as a proof number can be seen for verification. When you have all the proof then just leave and if she says anything then show her all those proofs and thrust me she may blackmail you again but will not do anything then because you have your proofs.



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