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I was in a relationship. After 4 years, things were not working so we broke up. But we were continuously in touch and we got back in less than 2 months.
After couple of years, similar things happened again. She tried her best do that things won’t fall apart but I broke up with her.
Now, even after 2 years, i am not able to move on.
I don’t know what to do and how to approach things. Any suggestions

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Aashima Sharma @aashima

Hello! First of all… please know that not getting over an ex is normal. She meant a lot to you and that’s amazing. Just keep reminding yourself of what wasn’t working out and why you guys had to break up. If you think y’all can fix things…. You should definitely try to contact her and talk it out but if you think it’s something that you guys will face again and again…. Just let it go. You can’t do anything about it. Just try to focus on yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself and DO NOT put a time limit to moving on. Everyone moves on at their own pace…. Just be gentle w yourself❤️


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