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I was in a 4 year relationship, we broke up 6 months back. Many guys have tried on me since they are really impressive and got great personalities but I just can’t or don’t want to I spoke to a few , not to lie the conversation was quite exciting and engaging but if you ask me if would go out with them for a date I just can’t. even if they are what I would want.

1. I just can’t imagine myself being all chirpy bouncy or happy like was in the relationship before.

2. a part of me wants to but I’m just tired.

3. What will my ex think… maybe we had a dim chance to get back and I blew it off. Even though he’s said he doesn’t feel anything for me anymore.
And we haven’t spoken ever since.
I miss him a lot.

Would I it be better to go for a casual relationship to heal from the previous one ?

4 replies

The same happened with me but not to commit comes as a conclusion and I never knew that a casual would work but I still have the memories I spent with her at the spark of a pin as I also never got a closure but you got the same ad he said he is not anymore in you …

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Naah…stay single for sometime…read books…focus on carrer…casual stuff end up hurting you more


How are you doing rn


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