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Adhu @coolmanswag

I was in a 3 and a half year relationship. It was toxic, on and off kinda. She used to want breakup most times but i used to work things out all the time cus i had hope that things would be better off. I adjusted a lot for her till the point i started losing myself whereas she didn’t adjust much.
I met another girl one day, we spent a lot of time together, talked a lot, understood each other. She was everything that i could ask for. I developed feelings for her while i was committed to another girl. But i did not cheat on her. I told my gf the next day that i felt this towards another girl and one thing led to another and I broke up with her.
Am i doing the right thing? The new girl is not interested in any relationship, as she have had a pretty bad past. But right now i feel like as if i can’t live without her.

2 replies

Honestly you did the right thing by ending a toxic relationship and for the preset girl try to make her feel comfortable around you …make her feel safe …give her some time to adjust and she’ll eventually will be into you !
Keep calm and remember great things take time …so keep going buddy and just move on from your toxic ex !
Good luck buddy 🀞

Adhu @coolmanswag


The sad part is that, now my ex wants to get back together, she wants me to give her just one chance. But my feelings for her is already lost.


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