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3am ThoughtsThought


i was going to a get together today and i decided to wear my black skirt with black sheer tights, my low doc platforms, cropped white long sleeve, a black leather blazer, and red over the shoulder purse with gold chain details (matched my necklace! and nails). my family was like “you look like you’re going to new york, go change” like whaat :( it was such a cute outfit and first of all “going to new york” is literally a compliment to me. i love nyc and it’s fashion! second of all, they’re version of cute is skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. like ughhhh c’mon now

11 replies

wear whatever you want! new york is a place where you can embrace your style and i love how you were able to plan this outfit!! you’re really cool for that :D keep doing you because its YOUR body, and YOUR look.


thank you so much! :) it would make my life easier to live in new york!! haha


even if they’re your family, dont let them bring you down on what makes you happy! i just know you would’ve looked stunning in that outfit 😌👑


you’re so sweet <3 thank you!!


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